What is wood pellet? Everything you know to need about materials and uses

What is wood pellet ? 

Wood pellets are a type of biofuel made from natural wood materials such as sawdust, bark, and by-products from the wood processing industry. The process begins by collecting and grinding the wood materials into a fine powder, which is then compressed under high pressure without the use of any binders. Wood pellets have a uniform shape and size, making them easy to use and store.

Wood pellet

Uses of wood pellets

What are wood pellets used for? Wood pellets are similar to other types of natural wood, but because they are compressed under high pressure, they have low moisture content and produce very little ash when burned. Additionally, due to their compression and uniform size, wood pellets burn longer and maintain stable heat, making them widely used. Some uses of wood pellets include:

Industrial use: Wood pellets are used in industrial applications such as boiler combustion and heat generation to support production processes, replacing fossil fuels.

Heating devices: Premium sawdust pellets are widely used in heating devices like fireplaces. Using wood pellets helps reduce ash and smoke, and is particularly beneficial for ensuring the health and safety of users.

Animal husbandry: Wood pellets have excellent moisture absorption capabilities, making them ideal for bedding in animal and livestock pens. This technology is commonly used in large, modern farms.

Agriculture: Wood pellets serve as a base fertilizer in agriculture, providing natural nutrients and helping to reduce soil acidity.

BBQ grilling: Wood pellets made from aromatic trees can be used for BBQ grilling or smoking, imparting a delightful aroma to the flavor of the meat.

Types of wood pellets

Wood pellets are versatile products, manufactured from various materials to suit specific uses.

  • In industries, heating, agriculture, and animal husbandry, wood pellets are typically made from sawdust and wood shavings of softwoods such as pine, acacia, or eucalyptus. These types of wood have good moisture absorption properties, helping to keep animal pens dry and reduce odors. Additionally, they are safe for the health of livestock and environmentally friendly.
  • In the field of BBQ grilling, wood pellets are often made from hardwoods like oak, cherry, apple, and hickory. These woods not only burn longer and provide stable heat but also produce distinctive aromas that enhance the appeal of grilled foods. Oak and hickory, for instance, are very popular because they create a rich flavor, making them ideal for BBQ dishes such as beef, pork, and chicken.
Food wood pellets.

Price of wood pellets

Wood pellets for industry, heating, agriculture, and animal husbandry:

  • The current market price ranges from 10,000 VND to 15,000 VND per kilogram.
  • These wood pellets are usually made from by-products of common trees, such as sawdust and wood shavings, which help reduce costs and make them easy to choose for various uses.

Wood pellets for BBQ grilling:

  • The price is higher, around 70,000 VND to 90,000 VND per kilogram.
  • They are produced from premium woods like oak, cherry, and hickory. These woods not only have high value but also impart a distinctive aroma that enhances the appeal of grilled foods.
Apple wood pellets

Choosing the right wood pellets for your specific needs not only helps save on investment costs but also optimizes usage efficiency. With industrial wood pellets, you have an economical solution, while with BBQ wood pellets, you enjoy superior flavor benefits for your grilled dishes.

Where to buy reliable wood pellets – X-BBQ provides high-quality food-grade wood pellets

X-BBQ is proud to be a supplier of high-quality food wood pellets, imported from renowned brands. We are committed to ensuring clear origins with no mixing of inferior quality woods. When you purchase wood pellets from X-BBQ, you can be completely confident in the quality and safety of your grilled foods. We strive to offer the best products to make your BBQ experience perfect and delicious.